Ok, I know that much of the world things there is nothing going on in New Orleans right now, but they are wrong. There is a thriving and vibrant art community happening here, but in many cases we can't get supplies. Why is every store out of everything all the time? Are they not shipping supplies to NOLA? It seems as though they all washed away in the flood and nobody thought to send new ones for the local artists. Grr! There are a couple really nice little independant art stores in town, which are great for basic items, but what happens when you need something a little more crafty and less artsy? You are forced to shop
here, which in my opinion, is one of the worst places to shop ever. Why? You probably know, but just in case, because no one can help you and no one cares. Oh, and when you finally find the aisle of your choice, they are out of the items you need. And so is the other store within close proximity to New Orleans. It seems like perhaps if both of your stores are completely out of the same item, and you appear to be the only place in or around NOLA that carries it, maybe you could actually have some to sell on the shelves! So, I am begging now, if you have art/craft supplies to sell, could you please please please send them to New Orleans. I want so much to support local businesses, but it is so hard when they don't carry what you need, and then you end up ordering everything online. So please support the local art store, and maybe they will be able to increase their inventories, and if you are a big box store, really, there is no reason to be out of stuff! Order enough for people to buy and you will make more money!
P.S. sorry for the diatribe. and the ridiculous cause of this diatribe? inkjet shrinky dinks. i know, don't even say it...