Monday, March 12, 2007

Things I Like and Don't Like

Things I Like: cheese, tim curry, my sweetheart, large dogs, art, the 1920's, traveling, sewing, sunlight, black nail polish (i know - contradicts the sunlight), live oak trees, scuba diving, photography, the ocean, fireplaces, cupcakes, this, mental health days, snowflakes, friends, stingrays, black and white movies, Anna Karenina, music, zombies, flowers, cursters, and surprise packages (in no particular order).

Things I Dislike (again, in no particular order): my job, crime, peas, popcorn, keanu reeves, country music, cell phones, people who never make eye contact with you when they are talking to you, napolean dynamite, chores, and weeds.

I'm making my own tagging game! Shana, Aga, and Phil, you must do this too! Just because I said so!

1 comment:

the polish chick said...

aha! i will respond to your tag if you respond to mine! friends and what they taught you. go!